Healthier Together podcasts

Health is hard when you try to go it alone. GMHBA’s Healthier Together podcast series provides you with researched, insightful and engaging insights into current health topics such as nutrition, food and mood, mental health and wellness and more from leading researchers and health experts.

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Menopause is a part of life for around half of the world’s population, marked by hormonal changes that cause varying symptoms and experiences. In this podcast, nutritionist Mel Bald discusses the physiological changes and the role that the food we eat can play in supporting the body through this period of transition.

This podcast refers to women and a general age range for the onset of menopausal symptoms, however we acknowledge that menopause can affect a broad range of people and not only cisgender women (those whose gender identity matches the sex they are assigned at birth). Menopausal symptoms, caused by fluctuations in oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone, can also be brought on by certain medicines, health conditions, surgeries or hormone therapies, and do not always directly correlate with the age of menopausal individuals. For more information, please speak with your doctor.

(0.42) Hormonal changes that occur during menopause and effects on overall health and wellbeing

(3.46) The role of nutrition in supporting hormonal imbalances and symptoms

(4.48) Dietary pattens to follow in menopause

(5.20) Specific foods to incorporate into the diet

(13.04) Protein and carbohydrates

(17.15) Food or dietary habits to avoid

(21.56) The impact of weight on hormonal balance

(26.31) Further information on menopause and nutrition

In this podcast we speak with Queer Town founder and director Archie Beetle about the important work they do delivering LGBTIQA+ inclusion and allyship training along with practical tips for fostering inclusivity and showing your support for LGBTIQA+ friends, family and community members.

(1.39) An introduction to LGBTIQA+ inclusion workshops

(3.49) The current climate for LGBTIQA+ people in Australia

(7.52) An evolving acronym

(11.01) Sex, gender and sexuality

(14.26) Gender pronouns

(17.36) Advice for supporting LGBTIQA+ friends and family members

(19.13) Workplace culture and fostering inclusivity

(20.38) The impetus for Queer Town


Good nutrition is vital for our overall health and wellbeing, and crucial to ensuring our body gets what it needs to function at its best. Nutritionist Mel Bald takes us through the foods to favour – and ones to avoid – to support our cardiovascular system and help maintain a healthy heart.

(0.50) The impacts of nutrition on heart health

(2.18) What is cholesterol?

(5.09) Influencing cholesterol types and levels through diet

(8.14) Current recommendations for meat consumption

(10.10) Full-fat or reduced-fat dairy?

(11.29) What about eggs?       

(12.46) Salt and heart health

(15.21) The effects of alcohol on the heart

(16.45) Foods that have a positive impact

(19.14) Tips for boosting veggie intake

(21.31) Further information


Did you know that prehabilitation can help delay surgery or improve the outcome of surgery, potentially reducing your time in hospital and increasing your mobility? Director & Senior Physio at Kieser, Tim Dettmann explains the importance of prehab and busts the myth about strength training.


The immune system is our body’s way of protecting us against infection disease. In our latest Healthier Together podcast, we speak with Mel Bald about how we can support our body through what we eat to have the best defence against germs.


Kids sport isn’t just about cold weekends and participation medals. Sport teaches lifelong lessons about motivation, winning, losing and creates connections in the community. Presenting ‘Supporting Kids in Sport’ podcast with registered teacher and psychologist Tim Dansie.


Did you know that around half of our behaviour is habitual? Most people know what they need to do to live healthier lives, but ingrained habits often get in the way. Luckily, it’s never too late to do things differently.

Listen as Nutritionist Mel Bald takes us through 5 ways to hack your habits and finally make that change you’ve been thinking about.


Dr Sarah White was appointed Director of Quit Victoria in 2014 and is the leading national spokesperson for tobacco control. Dr White oversees the delivery of the Victorian Quitline, which is renowned for its development of new service and technology delivery models for smoking cessation (telephone) counselling. Other key areas of expertise include smoking cessation practice change models in health system settings, and the impact of smoking on health, particularly for priority populations, such as people with mental illness or substance use disorders.

(1.06) How nicotine addiction works

(2.17) How does someone know if they’re addicted?

(3.22) Factors involved in smoking addiction

(4.37) Dealing with smoking triggers

(5.39) Social situations

(6.53) Why a smoking diary is useful

(8.01) Factors which can influence success

(9.43) Increasing chances of quitting

(10.32) Should you quit abruptly or slowly?

(12.03) Role of medications and nicotine replacements

(13.07) What types are available?

(14.28) Nicotine replacement therapy addiction

(15.11) Accessing nicotine replacement therapy

(16.01) What to expect from the Quitline

(17.24) Other resource suggestions



Raigan Howard has spent 10 years as a professional youth worker in the Geelong region, specialising in high challenge activities and leadership development. Raigan is a fully qualified personal trainer and launched Hello Hurricane with a passion to see young people empowered through effective development approaches.

(0.56) How did you get to be in the field you work in today?

(2.39) What does the business “Hello Hurricane” entail?

(4.00) How the program differs to existing social work methods

(5.43) How physical activity increases a young persons cability

(8.25) Are some forms of physical activity that are more beneficial to mental health than others?

(11.12) Biggest areas of difficulty young people are currently facing

(15.00) Skillsets required for young people

(18.30) Barriers for young men who want to seek help

(21.59) Signs of depression in young men

(24.45) Changes which occur throughout the program

(30.00) Tips on supporting teens through their years

(34.16) Challenges of running a not for profit business

(39.16) Next steps for the program

(41.15) Where to find more on the programs


Andy Chalmers is from Geelong Physiotherapy and currently works at the Western Bulldogs as a sports trainer, as well as head physiotherapist for the North Geelong Warriors (NPL).

(0.56) What does the biomechanics of running mean?

(2.03) How running biomechanics can be manipulated for injury rehabilitation

(2.48) How to improve your running technique

(4.16) Technique for running down hill

(5.08) Warming up before running

(6.51) How to cool down

(7.42) Tracking your training

(9.31) Running frequency

(10.37) Increasing speed and distance

(12.00) Strength training and running

(13.17) Common running injuries

(14.11) Preventing injuries

(15.09) Why you might need to see a physio

(15.59) What to consider when purchasing running shoes

(18.18) Resources on running


Alison McAleese is an experienced dietitian specialising in public health and obesity prevention. For the past 6 years Alison has been the Healthy Lifestyles Campaigns Manager at Cancer Council Victoria.

(0.39) What is meal planning?

(1.00) Benefits of planning your meals

(1.27) Key things to think about when planning meals

(2.17) Benefits to shopping less frequently

(2.53) Foods to buy and how to plan

(4.07) How to replace ingredients

(5.05) Keeping shopping healthy

(5.55) Where to find recipes

(6.23) How to start out


Lorelle Zemunik has an extensive background in case management in community and clinical mental health services. She is a Senior Trainer at Mental Health Victoria and uses her lived experience of mental health in peer support, consultancy, and consumer research and training.

(0.55) Overview of anxiety and depression

(1.46) How common are anxiety and depression?

(2.10) Those most at risk for developing anxiety and depression

(2.30) How anxiety manifests

(3.00) Common behaviours that occur with anxiety or depression

(3.52) Anxiety and other symptoms

(4.36) Top tips for those with anxiety or depression

(5.38) Signs to indicate anxiety or depression

(6.40) Key actions for support people

(7.38) Triggers for anxiety or depression

(9.26) Grounding strategies

(11.10) Tips to switch off the brain to help sleep

(12.51) When to seek help

(13.43) Caring for our wellbeing

(16.29) Other resources


Dr Andrew Bradbeer is the lead physician and medical director at Sleep Health Group, working as a specialist in respiratory and sleep medicine in Western Victoria, and the South East of South Australia since 2004. He also supervises a network of sleep centres and home sleep testing locations throughout the region.

 (0.45) What is considered as “normal” sleep

(2.22) How common are sleep problems?

(3.10) Common causes of sleep problems

(3.41) Behaviours that impact sleep

(4.13) When to seek help

(5.21) Snoring – factors affecting it

(6.57) Sleep apnoea – what is it?

(8.35) Treatments for obstructive sleep apnoea and when to seek help

(10.25) Who is more likely to have obstructive sleep apnoea?

(11.51) Insomnia explanation and symptoms

(13.44) Treatments for insomnia

(16.33) Impact of exercise and nutrition on insomnia

(16.59) Sleep studies – what they are and why someone would have one

(19.11) Where to find more information



Alison McAleese is an experienced dietitian specialising in public health and obesity prevention. She also has a keen interest in reducing inequalities related to food nutrition. For the past 6 years Alison has been the Healthy Lifestyles Campaigns Manager at Cancer Council Victoria.

(0.49) What does seasonal eating mean?

(1.14) How eating seasonally contributes to health

(2.05) Environmental benefits of eating seasonally

(3.01) Your budget and eating seasonally

(3.34) Should I choose eating seasonally or eating organic?

(4.29) Tips on how to make seasonal eating easier

(5.24) Where you can find seasonal local produce

(5.45) Vegetables in season now

(6.52) Where to find out more


Ben Shaw completed a permaculture design course and fell in love with the process, spurring his desire to share his knowledge and passion with others. He now runs edible gardening workshops all year round for both adults and children. 

(1.03) Tell us about your story and how you got into permaculture

(2.35) What is permaculture?

(4.31) Do we need much space to grow veggies in the backyard?

(5.39) Positioning a veggie patch

(6.35) Getting a productive patch up and running

(8.08) Building the soil

(9.16) Importance of seasonality

(10.34) Finding out more on what to grow and when

(11.15) Seeds vs seedlings

(12.00) Easy plants to grow

(12.25) Spacing plants

(13.31) Mulching

(14.36) Watering plants

(15.27) What to feed plants with

(16.30) Pests in the garden

(18.02) Where to find more info

(18.34) Time required to care for your veggie patch


Dr Joanna McMillan is a PhD qualified Nutrition Scientist and Accredited Practising Dietitian. She is one of Australia's favourite and most trusted health and wellbeing experts.

(0.58) The foundations of a healthy diet

(2.01) How to put a healthy meal together

(3.46) Nutrients for kids growth and development

(6.15) Tips on getting kids to eat vegetables

(7.58) Planning a week of balanced meals

(11.06) Favourite plant rich meals

(12.33) Are raw or cooked vegetables better?

(13.46) Lunchbox ideas

(16.46) After school snacks

(18.46) Refuelling for sport

(20.05) Benefits of sitting down for a meal

(22.11) Key ingredients to have in the pantry and fridge

(24.31) Favourite kitchen utensils and appliances

(26.54) Other resources


Professor Lorimer Moseley is a physiotherapist and a pain scientist. He has a long-standing interest in using contemporary and innovative methods to ‘translate’ pain science into concepts and language that clinicians and patients can both understand and then integrate into their own decision making. 

(1:11) The mechanics & reason behind pain

(4.55) Where most pain is experienced

(5.53) Most common causes for back pain

(10.00) How is pain the end result?

(11.45) Which people get the biggest shift in their chronic pain journey?

(14.19) Understanding the overprotective pain system

(16.02) The most effective treatments for chronic pain

(21.54) How will I know it’s safe to start moving again?

(25.59) Staying active with pain

(30.05) What types of movement are recommended

(32.05) Is it possible to speed up recovery?

(34.51) The role of mindfulness in pain recovery

(37.13) Is there a place for surgery?

(39.24) Persistent and non-persistent pain

(41.50) Where to seek help with your pain

(42.55) How to tell if you have a good health professional

(44.40) Sources to find out more information on pain


James Nelson is an experienced physiotherapist that has been working at Geelong Physiotherapy group since the early 2000's. With an interest in lower limb rehabilitation, he frequently assists his clients with a range of knee or hip issues and injuries. 

(1.05) What knee arthritis is and the different types

(2.22) Risk factors for osteoarthritis

(4.11) Where does osteoarthritis affect?

(5.06) Diagnosis and symptoms of knee arthritis

(7.05) How physiotherapy assists osteoarthritis

(7.57) What physiotherapy treatment entails

(9.21) Number of physio sessions required

(10.16) Age when knee osteoarthritis occurs

(11.04) Heat and cold therapy

(13.00) Hydrotherapy and osteoarthritis

(13.15) The role of education

(15.21) Effect of high impact sports or a sedentary lifestyle

(16.00) Importance of exercise in rehabilitation

(16.21) The role of cortisone injections

(17.28) When should surgery be considered?  

(18.48) Is it safe to exercise?

(20.37) Strengthening exercises

(21.29) Pain with exercise

(23.01) The influence of being overweight on knee arthritis

(24.53) More information



Bree Filippone is the owner of group fitness business, the HIIT Project and is the founder of running collaboration The Finishr. Bree has a Bachelor of Exercise & Sports Sciences and Exercise Physiology, as well as a number of qualifications in the fitness space. 

(0.48) Bree’s background

(2.01) Why should we all be exercising?

(2.27) Common concerns of exercising

(3.05) Overcoming fear of exercise

(4.42) How we can spark motivation

(6.45) How to set goals

(10.08) Identity, health and fitness

(12.28) What if you don’t like exercise?

(14.11) Getting started with running

(16.05) What types of training people should people be doing?

(17.29) The Finishr

(20.33) Joining in with the Finishr

(21.41) Resources for getting started with exercise


Mel Bald is the Health and Nutrition Coordinator at GMHBA, she also has a Bachelor of Human Movement, Bachelor of Nutritional Medicine and a Post Graduate degree in Sports Management.

(0.04) What exactly are macronutrients?

(2.11) What a healthy balanced meal is made up of

(3.18) Examples of a healthy meal

(4.10) Balance of macros and what it does to your energy levels

(4.58) How to eat your macros around your activity levels

(5.49) Do we need to snack?

(6.52) The best types of snacks

(7.36) Food prep – how to go about it

(8.56) Meal preparation tips for busy people

(10.12) Meal planning tips and tricks

(11.33) Quality of food and energy

(12.36) Diversity of food and energy

(13.39) Sugar and the effect on energy

(14.22) The impact of water intake and energy

(15.05) How much water should we drink?

(15.27) Energy and alcohol

(16.10) What coffee does to our energy

(16.59) Mel’s day on a plate

(19.27) Resources for healthy eating


On this podcast, we will be chatting with Cindy Davenport, who is the Director of Safe Sleep Space. She is a registered midwife, IBCLC and a maternal and child health nurse. Cindy is passionate about the health and wellbeing of families and offers a sensible, response-based approach to help babies and children with sleep problems.

(0.48) Common sleep and setting challenges seen in infants

(1.31) A response-based approach to sleep and settling

(3.39) Top 5 evidence-based sleep and settling hints

(5.45) Tired signs

(8.33) Number of sleeps per age for infants

(10.33) The infant sleep cycle

(11.41) Cat napping and why it happens

(12.27) Sleep associations and how these affect sleep

(14.17) Sleep difficulties and how these are often progressions rather than regressions

(16.20) Shushing and patting and why this is effective

(19.13) White noise and how to use it

(21.04) Age-appropriate sleep and settling strategies

(22.00) Types of babies cries - how to understand and use these for settling

(24.00) Toddler resources for sleep

(25.43) GMHBA New Family Program – what it is and how to access it



Dr. Anna Stokes works at the GMHBA Dental Care practice in Geelong and has more than 20 years’ experience in all aspects of family, general, complex and cosmetic dentistry.

(0.34) What is tooth decay and what causes it? 

(0.37) Why do we need regular check-ups?

(0.56) What are you looking for in a check-up?

(1.44) What are some tips for brushing your teeth?

(2.29) Are electric toothbrushes better?

(3.12) Soft, medium or hard toothbrushes?

(3.34) How do I choose a toothpaste?

(4.02) Do I need to use mouthwash?

(4.22) How about flossing? Do I need to do it and when?

(4.46) How should I floss?

(6.21) Why does tooth sensitivity occur and how can you help it?

(7.24) How does sugar affect the teeth?

(9.06) What about the effects of dental health on other aspects of our health?

(9.50) Are we more prone to tooth decay as we get older?

(11.14) What do we do if we get a tooth knocked out?

(12.06) Why do gums bleed?

(12.40) Are there any dangers with tooth whitening?

(14.15) Where can I find more information on this topic? 


Maggie is an Accredited Practising Dietitian who is currently working across a range of nutrition fields including private practice (based in Geelong), aged care and sports nutrition (with Western Bulldogs AFL Women’s). Maggie is passionate about empowering individuals with evidence-based knowledge to improve their health and management of chronic diseases.

(0.55) The difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes

(3.28) Type 2 diabetes management

(4.00) Pre-diabetes – what is it

(5.28) Warning signs for type 2 diabetes

(6.16) Diet and diabetes management

(8.33) Meal skipping and diabetes

(8.55) Carbohydrates and how they affect diabetes

(10.30) Glycaemic index explanation

(12.13) Plant-based diet and how this can be effective

(14.00) How to switch your diet to a plant-based diet

(15.07) What should our dinner plate look like?

(16.46) Favourite recipes

(17.36) Tips for eating at restaurants

(19.25) Diabetes and snacks

(21.11) The benefits of oats

(21.53) Alcohol and diabetes

(22.46) Lifestyle strategies to prevent pre-diabetes

(24.30) Where to find more info


Tune into ‘How to Sleep Better: science backed sleep hacks’ with Professor Dorothy Bruck. Professor Bruck has over 70 peer-reviewed publications and is a founding Director and Chair of the Sleep Health Foundation. She specialises in and has particular interest in sleep/wake behaviour, mental health and chronic fatigue.

(0.35) Why sleep matters

(1.25) Sleep and its restorative role

(2.00) Number of hours of sleep we need

(2.50) Children and adolescent sleep requirements

(3.37) Weekends, sleep and teenagers

(5.01) Can we sleep too much?

(6.22) The secrets to afternoon napping

(7.56) Can we train ourselves to need less sleep?

(8.39) The problem with sleep deprivation

(9.16) Sleep and wake time consistency

(10.04) Circadian rhythm – what is it and what does it do?

(11.02) The hormone melatonin

(11.45) The sleep drive

(12.57) What does “normal” sleep looks like?

(14.07) Sleep cycles

(15.37) Gender and sleep differences

(17.05) Indications of quality sleep

(19.02) Sugar cravings and sleep deprivation

(19.22) Tools to help sleep

(21.53) Self soothing

(23.11) Unwinding before bed

(25.28) Alcohol and sleep

(26.30) Exercising before bed

(27.43) Are there specific foods that help sleep?

(28.51) Time between dinner and sleep

(29.09) The most beneficial thing you can do to get a good night’s sleep

(29.44) The link between sleep and anxiety and depression

(30.44) Genetics and insomnia

(31.49) Impact of sleep and memory

(32.15) Sleep and dementia relationship

(33.19) Ageing and how this impacts sleep

(35.19) The most surprising things I’ve learnt from sleep research

(36.50) Where to find out more on sleep improvement


On this podcast we will chatting with Dr Joanna McMillan, a PHD qualified nutrition scientist and accredited practicing dietician. Joanna will help explain how good eating and lifestyle habits can help to slow the ageing process of the brain.

(0:35) The brain and ageing

(3.09) Key risk factors for cognitive decline and dementia

(4.28) Should we fear carbohydrates?

(5.22) Role of carbohydrates in brain health

(6.52) Understanding the impact of different forms of carbohydrates

(7.51) Smart carbohydrates

(8.59) Top wholegrains to include in the diet

(10.17) Diversify your grains

(10.47) Fibre types and brain health

(11.45) Where to find resistant starch

(13.07) The gut and the brain

(13.41) Protein and brain health

(15.57) Embracing good fats in the diet

(17.37) Cognition and extra virgin olive oil

(19.29) Key foods to emphasise for better brain health

(21.10) Foods to cut out for better brain health

(22.18) Where to find out more on this topic


Andrew Fuller is a clinical psychologist who has worked with over 1,000 schools and more than 500,000 young people. Andrew is a Fellow at the University of Melbourne and has been a scientific consultant on the ABC. He has also written more than 8 books on the topics of parenting, resilience, and identifying strengths for young people.

(0:42) How did you become interested in building resilience in children and teens?

(1:27) Definition of resilience

(2:29) How do we know if we need to build resilience in our children and teens?

(2:45) Importance of making mistakes

(3:45) How to foster and build resilience in children and teens

(4:40) Importance of connection

(4:55) Importance of protection

(5:22) Importance of respect

(6:08) What to look for when choosing a school

(8:21) The importance of role modelling

(9:52) How to connect to your own learning strengths

(12:13) Setting boundaries

(14:48) Recognising low self-esteem in children or teens

(16:55) Developing social skills

(19:03) Consistency and how this impacts your child

(21:51) Separated families and resilience

(24:21) “Click and go” generation

(26:27) Instant gratification

(28:20) Teaching kids to wait

(29:21) Key ways to maintain good relationships with kids

(30:19) Rituals and why they are important

(31:14) Top 3 golden rules of parenting

(35:36) How can parents and carers look after themselves?

(37:50) What books have you written on the topic?


In this episode we’ll be talking to Dr Sonia Davison who is an endocrinologist with extensive experience and special interest in Women's Health. She is a Clinical Fellow with Jean Hailes for Women’s Health and has also been a research fellow at the Women’s Health Research Program, Monash University. She is currently working in private practice at Cabrini Medical Centre, Malvern, and at Jean Hailes for Women's Health, in Clayton.

(0:36) The role of the endocrinologist

(0:56) Hormones and their role in the body

(1:37) Types of hormones

(3:06) Hormonal fluctuations by life stage

(4:20) Hormonal imbalance

(5:07) Thyroid hormone imbalances

(6:15) Symptoms of overactive thyroid

(6:38) The effect of hormones on mood

(7:48) Impact of stress on hormones

(8:52) Stress management to improve hormone health

(10:02) Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) – hormone fluctuations and symptoms

(11:37) Where to find more information on women’s hormone health


In this episode we’ll be talking to Dr Rosie Worsley who is an endocrinologist specialising in women’s health on the topic of menopause. Rosie consults at the Jean Hailes Medical Centre and worked in the Alfred Hospital Women’s Health and Women’s Mental Health Clinics for 5 years looking after the endocrine needs of women.

Rosie completed her PhD in menopause in 2017 and has received the young investigator prize from the Australian, European and International Menopause Societies.

(0:49) The role of the endocrinologist

(1:22) Explanation of menopause

(2.06) Menopausal symptoms

(3:48) How you can alleviate symptoms

(5:07) Impact of menopause on mood and mental health

(6:10) Hormone therapy – benefits and risks

(8:45) Bioidentical hormones

(9:58) Cognitive behavioural therapy – what it is and use in menopause

(11:05) Health after menopause

(11:52) Looking after your bones

(12:33) Where to find more information about menopause


In this episode we’ll be discussing the issues faced by caregivers of people with a mental illness and how to reduce carer burden, as well as the development of novel therapies with Professor Michael Berk.

Michael is the Alfred Deakin Chair of Psychiatry at Deakin University and Barwon Health, where he heads the IMPACT Strategic Research Centre. He also is an Honorary Professorial Research fellow in the Department of Psychiatry, the Florey Institute for Neuroscience and Mental Health and Orygen Youth Health at Melbourne University, as well as in the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine at Monash University.

(0:49) Why the focus on the role of the caregiver?

(2:05) Issues faced by caregivers

(3:34) Ways that caregivers can look after themselves

(4:43) What are the steps to reduce caregiver burden?

(6:05) What do partners, family and friends of someone with a mental illness want to know?

(8:08) What supports are being developed for caregivers

(10:47) Novel therapies in mental health care

(14:30) Stigma and mental illness

(16:26) Benefits from supporting caregivers

(17:38) IMPACT research centre and work they do

(19:08) Research trials currently being undertaken


In this episode we’ll be discussing the tools to create lasting changes in order to break habits, plan for success and master your health. Shivaun Conn is an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD), Health Coach, Vice President of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, and Director of Discovery Health Coaching. Shivaun has worked for over 15 years as a dietitian, health coach and presenter. She currently coaches individuals in nutrition and lifestyle, trains practitioners in health behaviour change, and develops health change programs across a range of sectors.

(0:38) Shivaun’s background and how you started working in the health coaching field

(1.44) What is behaviour change?

(2:17) What is a vision and how do you create one?

(4:01) Where to start when changing our health

(4:56) Common barriers and how to overcome them

(6:11) Reducing the barriers to healthy eating

(7:48) Our environment and health behaviour

(9:30) Thoughts and beliefs, and their impact on behaviour

(11:33) Values and priorities and their link to health

(12:55) Our social network and how it affects our health

(14:08) Setting and staying motivated with goals

(17:00) Creating an action plan to achieve your goals

(19:24) Positive thinking techniques and how it helps to achieve goals

(23:04) Why it’s hard to break habits and how to can overcome this

(25:37) What is the process of working with a health coach


In this episode how food affects our mood will be discussed, along with strategies to maximise mental wellbeing with Professor Felice Jacka. Felice is the director of the Food and Mood Centre at Deakin University, and founder and president of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research.

(00:42) Setting the scene on diet, gut and mental health

(8:51) Modifiable risk factors and mental health

(9:55) Quality of diet and mental health in adolescents, pregnancy and a child’s first years of life

(13:18) Targeting diet for prevention and treatment of depression

(13:44) The gut microbiota and link to the brain

(18:03) Importance of fibre and the microbiota

(19:49) Infant microbiota, brain development and immune system

(21:40) Key dietary components to include to improve brain and mental health

(23:27) Polyphenols – what they are and the microbiome

(23:24) The benefits of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids

(25:09) Artificial sweetener, emulsifiers and the gut

(26:30) Things that disturb our gut health

(28:00) Herbs, spices and gut health

(28:24) When you change your diet, how long does it take for a change to occur in the microbiota?

(30:12) Probiotics and the microbiota


At the time of publication, GMHBA have provided current, evidence-based information, however information contained in these podcasts should not be relied on as a substitute for professional medical advice. Views expressed in this podcast are not necessarily the view of GMHBA and we make no representation regarding the quality, accuracy or completeness of the information. GMHBA is not liable for any loss or damage suffered arising out of the reliance on the information, text, photos or advertisements used in this podcast, except that which cannot be excluded by law. All materials appearing in GMHBA’s Healthier Together podcast is copyright.